Alpha Boss Read online
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She needed to come up with a plan. If there was one thing she did know, it was how to ignore her feelings, but this time it was going to be hard. Not only were her hormones going crazy, but she was sure she had pissed this guy off. Of all the moments to stand up for herself she had to choose the elevator of a building where she wanted to work. She had gotten so worked up that she didn’t think about who the guy was. She closed her mouth. There was no point in pretending that their previous encounter didn’t happen, so she decided to face it head on. “Of course you are. Should I just turn around now?” She joked hoping that he would find it funny, because she wanted to lighten the mood a bit, and because she really wanted to know. There was no point in torturing herself any further. Also, it might be easier if she could get away from him as soon as possible.
“Follow me Miss Davis.” He had a stone-cold serious look on his face. Follow him? Maybe I should run instead, she thought.
She reluctantly followed him past a reception area through an office with a desk and a glass doorway into his massive office. He had a huge desk with a chair that looked like a throne. There were two couches with a coffee table. There was a giant bookshelf built into the wall. It was nicely decorated. Very masculine. Kind of sexy. Is there such a thing as a sexy office? The view, however, was spectacular. The windows were huge, spanning across the back wall. Preston Jacobs must be important. “Wow.” She said under her breath as she looked out at the city.
“What was that?”
“I didn’t say anything, but you have a really nice office.”
“I know,” he stated flatly.
Some people may say thank you, but now was not the time to start an argument. The butterflies in her stomach leapt high and bounced down stomping and dancing. I can’t stand his arrogant ass, she thought to herself. Is it too late to run now? She sighed.
He lightly touched the back of her arm, causing her skin to tingle, as he pulled out a chair for her. As he stared at her intensely, she swore his eyes flashed a golden color before he walked over to his desk and motioned for her to sit in one of the chairs across from his. “Please have a seat Ms. Davis.” His eyes were definitely brown, and his gaze was on Sam’s body as she sat. Maybe the light had reflected off of them.
She smiled sweetly. She had to clear her head and get herself together once again. This was a job interview after all, and maybe there was a chance she could salvage it. Despite everything that happened she felt like this is where she was supposed to be. “Thank you, and thank you for the opportunity to meet with you today. I realize I’m not a typical candidate, but I do have a lot to o…”
“Why are you here?” He cut her off.
Rude. She thought she’d just answered that question. She quickly scrambled her brain for a different approach to say the same thing. “As I was saying I have a lot to offer, and I want to work for the best. I want to utilize my organizational and time management skills to benefit a such a prestigious company.” At this point she’d panicked and just started rambling. She sounded like a resume from 1995.
“Hmph,” he grunted He did not look impressed. He looked at something on his computer screen, and began scrolling. “Samantha M. Davis worked in retail, attended community college, no degree, currently a waitress, no experience, no skills, and no indication that this is where you should be, yet you are sitting in front of me. Why are you here?”
Sam’s cheeks flushed red. She was embarrassed as hell which made her angry as hell which made her determined. However this ended, she was not going to let Preston Jacobs talk down to her. At this point she had nothing to lose. “Well. Preston Jacobs. I guess I’m here because contrary to what you may think about me, I can do this job. I may not have a college degree, but I have good instincts which somehow led me here. I have potential, and I can do more than waitressing. I was a bartender by the way, and I want to do something more meaningful with my life. I don’t have the experience you’d expect, but I am smart. I catch on quickly, and bartending taught me things that nothing else can prepare a person for. I thrive under pressure. I multitask very well. I know the importance of connecting with people, because my livelihood literally depended on it. I’m a problem solver, and I can do it all with a smile even when I don’t feel like it. I don’t whine or complain. When something needs to be done I figure it out. I don’t cry about it, and I’m not about to back down or let you or anybody else intimidate me.” She exhaled and leaned back. Her face flushed. That was a bit longer winded than she expected. He was an alpha male. Mysterious and brooding, looking at her with a straight face and perfect posture, expression unreadable. Internally Sam was freaking out, but she stayed calm. He was not going to take her seriously unless he respected her. She looked him dead in the eyes.
“That’s an admirable speech Ms. Davis, and while it is quite convincing, and maybe you could learn to be a great employee here, you’re not as smart and resourceful as you think you are. I need my executive assistant to anticipate my needs, be prepared for any scenario, and maintain professionalism.”
“You mean like a bartender in a fine dining establishment?” Take that. She thought to herself.
“And that would all be great if you can answer one question for me…”
“What’s that?” She asked.
“Who am I?”
She panicked. Then she looked down at his name plate on his desk. She cleared her throat, and attempted to steady her voice. “Preston Jacobs, President and CEO of Alpha Security Corporation.” She cleared her throat again. Shit. I had to piss off the CEO. This is not my life.
“As I’m sure you just read.” He cleared his throat. “The fact of the matter is Miss Davis.” He paused. “It is Miss?” Sam gave him a slight nod and a sexy smirk crossed his lips. “Miss Davis, you had no idea who I was. If I had to guess, I’d say you have no idea what we do here either, so you’ll excuse me if I don’t fall for your go getter speech.”
She hated him so much. There was no way she was getting this job, so she was ready to give him a piece of her mind once again until she thought about what he said. He did have a point. What was she going to do now? Think, Sam.
Preston knew he was giving Samantha a hard time. The moment he reached his office after getting off the elevator he called human resources. He’d found out that Samantha Davis was to interview for an entry level position. He immediately had her rerouted to his desk. Actually, he did need an executive assistant, but he had not cared to have one in quite some time. Normally human resources handled the interview process, but he asked that Samantha be sent to his office after she finished her paperwork. As she talked, he pulled up her resume and gave it a once over.
Contrary to what she may have thought, he was very impressed with her. She was strong, determined, and confident, but he needed to make sure she could retain those qualities under pressure. She was perfect for him, and in order for his plan to work he had to treat her like he would anyone else. It was a good thing she could hold her own. “Your previous jobs have prepared you for many things, I’ll admit it, but to do this job you need to be more than prepared at all times. You won’t always be able to fake it. I’m impressed with you, but I’d be more impressed if you knew anything about me or my company. You’re applying for a job here. You should have done your research.”
“I understand that, but I thought I was applying for some basic job.” She stated somewhat confused.
“Yet here you are. You never know what opportunities will be presented to you, and you have to be prepared for all possible outcomes. Today you thought you’d charm your way into a secretary or data entry job of some sort, yet here you sit in front of me, the CEO, interviewing for an executive administrative position. Why should I hire you?”
He could sense everything she was feeling, and he felt a little guilty, but he needed to test her. He certainly did not want to embarrass his mate, but if he was right about her, she would be okay. His problem was that his wolf was going crazy demanding that he
take his mate, and mark her immediately. The man knew that he had to take his time, and make her comfortable. It was going to be difficult, but he knew that when it was all said and done he’d have a lifetime of happiness to look forward to. He didn’t want to scare her off, so he had to constantly master his composure and let the wolf know who was in charge.
Sam was a little shaken before she cleared her throat and gathered herself. She squirmed in her chair a bit. “I guess I’m here to learn a lesson, but before we get into that I have a question. Did you call me here to humiliate me? Is this some kind of payback to torture me for the elevator?”
“Miss Davis, I don’t have time for petty grudges. The reality is I saw something in you in the elevator. You stood out. You piqued my interest. That is why you are here.”
There was a slight look of awe. He heard her heartbeat racing. He could sense her arousal. She squirmed in her chair once again. It drove him crazy. His gaze moved to her breasts before she started speaking. “Okay.” She said. I’ll admit that I was scared out of my mind to come here, but I did it. I may have been naive to think I could make people believe I belonged here. It’s true that I don’t know anything about this company, but the moment I opened the lobby door, I knew this is where I should be. I belong here. I thought that I could talk my way into anything, and a smile would solve everything so I didn’t bother to do the research. I thought I had people figured out, and I wouldn’t have to try very hard. I was terrified, but I was secretly arrogant.”
“I see.”
She cleared her throat again. “I didn’t actually know why I was here until now. I think fate and circumstances led me here to this opportunity, to you. I have nowhere to go. I have no job, and I ran into you. For some reason, you gave me this amazing opportunity, and if this is really real, then I think I am here to make your life easier, help you be your best, anticipate your needs, be attentive, and be of significant value to your company in a way that is undeniable, and if you give me a chance, I can figure out how to do that. It seems like I’m here to learn from the best.” She motioned her hands towards him.
Tugging at his ego. Wow. She was good. He swelled with pride. His animal liked the thought of her being there for him. Only for him. He held back a smile. She did belong there. “Miss Davis, I don’t want to waste your time.”
She interrupted him. “It’s okay. Thank you, Mr. Jacobs, I’ll see myself out.” She stood and turned giving Preston a close-up view of her behind. His mouth watered.
He stood. “Miss Davis.” She turned. He walked to her side. “I was going to say. Head back down to human resources. They’ll get you set up. I’ll see you tomorrow morning at 7 AM.”
“Really. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” She held out her hand and shook his aggressively. “You will not regret this. I promise.” She beamed as she tried to restrain herself from bouncing up and down.
Technically she would have started Monday, but he wanted her by his side as soon as possible for as long as possible. He got so much pleasure from the joy that radiated off of her. In that moment, he told himself he would spend the rest of his life making her happy. “Thank me by doing a good job Miss Davis. Let me walk you out.” He walked Sam to the elevator, placing his hand on the small of her back. “Are you sure this is what you want?” he asked her.
“I think this is exactly what I need,” she replied.
Sam arrived home and immediately leaned her head against the door. What a day she’d had. She couldn’t believe she’d landed that job, and the pay was much more than she’d been hoping for. She threw her bags down on the floor. She had decided to stop and get some new clothes. Her interview outfit was all she had that was professional. She quickly grabbed her phone to text her friend Lisa.
Thanks so much. I got the job. I have so much to tell you. Let’s get together Saturday.
She sat her phone on the table and took off her shoes. She took off her top and skirt and put on a tank top. She grabbed her laptop and googled Preston Jacobs and his company. He was thirty-eight years old, unmarried, computer savvy, dropped out of an ivy league college, self-made millionaire, started a small security consultation company at the age of twenty-three. Fifteen years later it has grown into Alpha Security Corporation offering consultations, private security, sophisticated alarm systems and solutions for major companies and estates, and much more. Pretty much anything in security you can think of they do it. Wow. Not only was he extremely attractive, he’s smart. She got lost in the web as she looked at articles and photos and anything she could find. Nothing was enough. She wanted to see more of him. He consumed her mind. She couldn’t find him on social media, which was a bummer. Did he have a girlfriend? There was no mention of anyone as far as Sam could tell. He had to, right? She decided to close her laptop shut before her curiosity became obsession.
It was too late Preston Jacobs made a lasting impression, and now she was going to be around him every day. She had to find a way to stop thinking about him. She decided to focus on her first official day of work. She began to panic. What would she do? What exactly is her job? What does an executive assistant do? She reopened her laptop. Maybe she should google that. Answering phones, screening visitors, making travel arrangements, preparing reports, filing and organizing documents, recording meeting minutes, performing basic bookkeeping tasks, and she was sure there would be much more. That didn’t sound so bad. “Okay. I’ll just take it one day at a time,” she told herself.
She decided to pick up her phone and call her best friend. The phone rang.
“Lisa. Hey.”
“Hey, working girl. I’m so happy for you. Tell me everything,” Lisa said.
Sam gushed. “Thank you. Thank you so much. I have no idea what I’ve gotten myself into, but I think I’m going to love this job. I have so much to tell you.” Sam told her all about the encounter with Preston Jacobs in the elevator, the unorthodox interview, and about the incredible job opportunity she was given.”
“Wow. You must have really made an impression.” Lisa laughed.
“Lisa. This is a problem though,” Sam whined.
“What’s the problem?” Lisa asked.
“My boss is way too good looking, and he smells so good. I don’t think I can do this without crushing on him. Hard.”
“That doesn’t sound like a problem to me.”
“Doesn’t it? I have to work with him every day. Closely. This is different. He makes my head spin. It’s bad.”
“It’s only bad if you want it to be. Aren’t you supposed to be the new Sam, a risk taker. What if he likes you too?”
“Really, Lisa? What are the odds of that happening?”
“I don’t know. What are the odds of a fine ass boss discovering you in the elevator and personally offering you a job in a big ass company for which you did not apply and have no experience?”
“I’m sure it happens,” Sam said coyly then laughed.
“Girl. It doesn’t happen! You are just scared that there is a possibility that this guy might actually like you.”
“He doesn’t. If he liked me wouldn’t he have asked me out instead of offering me a job?”
“If he had asked you out you may have said no, scary as you are, and he would never see you again. This way you’ll be close to him every day working long… hard… hours.” Lisa emphasized dramatically.
Sam chuckled. She loved her friend’s outgoing personality and sense of humor. “Lisa. I think he was just being nice. He was all business. So, the question is, how am I going to get through this?
“Well keep in mind that you aren’t getting any younger, but if that’s how you want to play it just put him out of your head and focus on the work. Maintain a professional demeanor at all times, pretend you don’t have feelings, and you are not in serious need of some dick.”
“That’s what I figured. You’re right” Sam sighed.
Lisa sighed harder, “You’re hopeless, Sam.”
“I am not. I’m realistic. Google him. This man can have any woman he wants.”
“And it’s sooo hard to believe that he could want you? Have you seen your ass?”
“Anyway. So, how about I buy you dinner Saturday night as a thank you? “Harrison’s? 8?
“You’d better.” They both laughed.
“Okay girl I’ll talk to you later.”
It was getting late, and Sam had to be at her new job in the morning. She was surprised she didn’t even get a couple of days to get herself together, but she didn’t care. She would do anything to work at ASC. She decided to shower and go to bed.
The steaming water pattered against her skin she thought about Preston Jacobs once more. She recalled the way he grabbed her hand in the elevator. Her body had such a reaction to him. Just the thought of her hand in his, and the way he rubbed her hand made her body tighten. She squeezed her pelvic muscles and let the sensation course through her. It was strange that it seemed kind of possessive, but that couldn’t be the case. Everything he did must have been for professional reasons. Right? He was giving her a chance to change her life. She didn’t want to ruin it with a stupid crush, but one last fantasy couldn’t hurt.
She imagined him opening the curtain and startling her in the shower without a word or any clothes staring at her slowly from head to toe taking in every inch and curve of her body and licking his lips seductively. “What?” She would ask playing coy with a devilish grin before he steps into the shower towering over her, his massive body taking up much of the room, but she wouldn’t mind. She’d just look at him curiously, expectantly, her eyes traveling down from his lips, to his beautifully sculpted chest, and then to his bulging erection. He’d smile as he pulls her close to him. His body warming hers. His giant hands wrapped around her, starting at her back and working their way to her hips as he kisses her roughly, dominating her mouth and her body. He’d grab and squeeze her breasts before replacing his hands with his mouth, swirling his tongue around her nipple, then taking it into his mouth as his hands move to squeeze her behind kneading like dough. She’d let out a moan and lean her head back and arch her back swaying her hips forward so she can feel him against her leg.