Alpha Boss Read online

Page 5


  Preston headed back to his office a little annoyed after his meetings. His mind was consumed with Sam the entire time. The only thing he wanted to do was see her and hear her voice. He hoped that she was no longer upset with him. As he entered the top floor he knew she was there. His heart leapt, and so did his stomach. The scent of his favorite tacos wafted from his office. He walked up and opened the door.

  “Sam what are you doing in here?”

  She jumped and began walking toward him. “I was ordered to have lunch with the boss,” she said with a hint of sarcasm. “This is not what it looks like. I wanted to talk to you. I brought you some food, and I was just leaving it for you.”

  “You just decided to come into my office.”

  “I come bearing tacos and pico. I was just trying to surprise you.”

  ‘I don’t like surprises.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me.”


  “I’ll just get rid of it. Sorry.” Sam turned to walk to his desk.

  Preston grabbed her hand and pulled her closer. “Hold on. Are those from Julio’s?”

  “Yes, Preston,” she sighed. He noticed how she rolled her eyes. Was she irritated?

  “Just leave them.”

  “Fine. Enjoy.” Sam attempted once again to walk away, but Preston held on. “Is there something else, sir?” She bowed slightly in mock servitude.

  He almost laughed. “I thought you wanted to talk to me.”

  “You know what. Don’t worry about it. I’m just going to go to my desk and get some work done. That is, if you will let go of my hand.”

  “What kind of work do you have to do, Sam?” Was she serious? He knew that she knew that she didn’t have any work to do.

  “You’re a busy man. There’s lots to do. I learned that from Michelle. See. Quick learner.” Sam tapped her free hand against her brain.

  My mate is a handful. He grabbed her free hand and looked at her. She tried to avoid eye contact with him, but he refused to speak until she looked at him. When she finally looked up he took her scowl into consideration and asked, “Did I upset you?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Don’t lie to me, Sam.”

  “I’m fine. I just didn’t think. I’m more embarrassed than anything, and I just want to go to my desk and work, if that’s okay with you.”

  “Don’t be embarrassed. It was a little strange seeing you in my office. It’s been a while since I had an assistant, but as my assistant you have full access to me. Just don’t ever let anyone else in here without my knowledge.”

  “I would never do that.”

  “Then we don’t have a problem.”

  “Okay. That’s settled. So, I will just be at my desk.”

  “Not so fast beautiful. He swayed her arms side to side. What did you want to talk about?” Preston figured that a compliment would soften her demeanor. He was right. She was fighting back a smile.

  “Nothing really. I just want to have a good working relationship with you, so I thought we could get to know one another, but maybe it was too much too soon.”

  He rubbed his thumbs on her wrists. “I think that’s a great idea.”

  “You do?” She asked.

  “I want you to want to be here. I would never deny you anything.”

  “Never?” She asked suspiciously.

  “Never,” he assured her.

  “Can I sit in your chair?

  “If that will make you happy.”

  “Why is that?”

  Preston licked his lips. “I’d tell you, but I don’t think you can handle it right now.”

  “Michael has a theory,” Sam replied.

  “And what would that be?” He hated that she mentioned Michael’s name, but he decided to let it slide.

  “That I’m special to you somehow.”

  “Hmmm. Is that right?”

  “Is it true?”

  “Do you think it’s true?” He was still holding her hand, and he pulled her closer to him.

  “I don’t understand you.” She looked at him in amazement. “You refuse to answer my questions.” After a brief pause she continued. “Did you get me a rose?

  “Yes.” He stepped closer

  “Why?” She asked.

  “I told you I want you here. I thought you would like it.”

  “I did. Thank you.”

  He looked at her in the eyes. “You’re welcome.”

  She cleared her throat. Her heart beat faster. “Do you get roses for all your employees?”


  “But me?” She asked.

  “You are special, Samantha Davis. Don’t you know that?”

  “I mean I think I am. I’m just not so sure that anyone else does.” She chuckled nervously.

  “It’s true, and it’s no laughing matter. A woman with grace, beauty, intelligence, and a fierce bite such as yourself should know it. Don’t ever question the effect that you have on people, on me.”

  “Preston, I hope that we can get along. I don’t want to fight with you. I was trying to have lunch with you, maybe get to know you better, but you made me feel stupid for trying to do something nice.” She continued. “I want to understand you because, I want to do a good job here, and I want to be your friend.”

  “Friend?” He grabbed her waist and pulled her closer. I don’t want to be your friend.” He was going to put that thought out of her mind immediately.

  She was caught off guard, and she was aroused. He smirked at her. She tilted her head up to look at him and cleared her throat. He loved it when she cleared her throat. He knew that meant he was getting to her. Her voice was hoarse. “What do you want Preston?” Her heart was beating fast. He brushed her cheek with his palm. His fingers lightly grazed the edge of her lips. She closed her eyes, and he felt her shiver. “Preston.” She whispered half questioning, half begging. He remembered that whisper from the night before. An electric jolt pulsed through his body. He could no longer control the bulge coming from his pants. It jumped in her direction. She shivered once more, but she only moved closer to him. Her scent, and her desire overtook everything in the room.

  He used his thumb to tug downward at her cheek so that she would open her eyes. “You’re mine.” He said to her softly. That was all he could think of. That was his wolf talking. He pulled her closer.

  “Yours?” She asked.

  “Mine.” He said again and nodded his head.

  “Preston. You have to give me some words here.”

  He thought he had made himself clear. He moved his hand to grab her neck softly and pulled her face closer to his. He looked at her mouth and waited. She looked at him curiously and hesitated before moving her head closer. She kissed his lips sweetly and pressed a hand to his cheek. He looked down gave her a sweet, tender kiss. Focusing on her bottom lip, he pecked her again. Her breathing slowed, and she closed her eyes, moving her head moved to the side as she inhaled, and when her lips parted he took the chance to slip his tongue into her mouth. He possessively took over her mouth slowly working his tongue and exploring hers as their lips touched over and over. Her lips were so soft, just as he had imagined. She was his. He hardened even more. She moaned as her arousal heightened. She took his bottom lip in her teeth. “Ummm.” He groaned. He responded by taking her tongue between his teeth and sucking. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pushed her hips closer to him, grinding against his erection.

  His kisses moved to her neck. He had been thinking about her neck that morning. His tongue teased right above her collar bone and he sucked and nibbled gently. He grabbed her behind and pressed her closer into him rubbing his hands furiously and kneading, relishing in her groans and gasps. Her breaths quickened. He moved his right hand up and cupped her breast. He felt around for her hardened nipple and squeezed before rubbing his hand back and forth over it. She leaned her head back clearly reveling in the sensation as he continued to kiss her neck. His hands caressed her once again moving t
heir way down her legs. He bent down as he eased her skirt upward inch by inch. He kissed her mouth deeper and harder than before as he kept pulling her dress higher and higher until his palms reached her skin. The contact was everything he hoped for. There was a warm flow through his body and he was rock hard. Sam moved her hand downward around his waist as he firmly caressed her back side. He gently moved her lace panties downward and squeezed. She moaned and groaned. Her need was evident. He moved a hand to the front and down into her center. She moved one leg outward to give him access.

  “That’s right baby. Open those legs for me,” he growled in her ear causing her to shiver.

  “Preston.” She moaned as he slipped his hands lower and pushed one finger between her lips. She was soaking wet.

  “That’s right baby. Say my name.”




  “You’re so wet Samantha. Let me take care of you.”

  He growled, picked her up, carried her over to his desk, and sat her on top along the edge. He spread her legs and parted her lips pressing his thumb over her clit. He rubbed in circles and watched her expression as her head leaned back, and she gasped for air. Her mouth was open. He pushed his middle finger deep inside her and slowly moved in and out over and over again.

  “Oh Preston,” she exclaimed hungry for more.

  “So tight, and so wet for me,” he said. He kissed her lips, and she grasped for him with her legs pulling his body closer to hers. He moved forward and slipped another finger inside her. “Tell me you want me, Samantha.”

  She put her hand over his and pushed guiding him farther and harder. “Oh,” she exhaled. “I need you, Preston.”

  “That’s right, love. You feel so fucking good. I can’t wait to taste you,” he said in her ear.

  “Ummm,” she moaned as he pushed in and out. His speed increased. Samantha moved her hand to the front of his pants rubbing his rock-hard dick. She felt around for the zipper and unbuttoned his pants before tugging it downward. She reached into his boxers while he watched her expression, as his erection sprang from his pants. Her eyes bulged. “Oh, my.”

  Preston was proud. “Don’t be afraid.”

  Her shocked expression changed to hunger. She wrapped her hand around his dick and explored his length. “I can take it.”

  Suddenly the phone rang. Fuck. Samantha snapped out of whatever trance she was in, and full on panic swept over her face. She looked up at Preston, horrified, staying frozen until the phone stopped ringing.

  “Oh no.” She jumped off the desk and tried to steady herself. She pulled up her panties and pulled down her dress. “What are we doing?”

  Preston zipped his pants. “I don’t know how you want me to answer that.” He said to her. He leaned his head back in frustration. It was just getting good.

  “We can’t do this.” She said.

  “Why not?” He asked. He had no intention of being completely intimate with her until she knew who he was, but what was her reason?

  “We’re in your office. You’re my boss. It’s not right.”

  “Are you telling me you don’t feel this?” He asked.

  “Feel what?”

  “The pull.”

  “I need you to talk to me clearly right now. I don’t know what this is.” She moved her arms gesturing at the space between them. “My head is spinning. I can’t think.”

  “The attraction between us is more than common. We have a connection, a fire that burns for one another. There is nothing wrong with that.”

  “I can’t deal with this.” Sam paced back and forth holding her palm against her head.

  Preston walked over to Sam and wrapped her in his arms. “Calm down.” He commanded. She began to do as he said taking deep, deliberate breaths. “We don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for. Let’s sit down and eat, and we can talk about it.”

  “Okay.” She agreed.

  “You are going to love these tacos.”

  “They smell delicious.” A devious smile crossed her face. “Sooo since you just felt me up, do I get to sit in your chair?”

  He laughed. “As you wish.”

  She smiled in disbelief. She was giddy as she walked over to his huge chair. She touched the wolf etched into the center and sat down. He sat across from her. She crossed her legs and leaned back. “So, Mr. Jacobs. Why are you here?” She looked at him with a pretend serious expression and winked.

  He laughed as he grabbed a taco. She was funny, and he loved that about her. She was also attempting to deflect what just happened. He licked his fingers that had just been inside her, and her mouth dropped open. “Ummm, sweet.” He took a bite of the taco as if nothing had just happened. After he swallowed he looked into her beautiful brown eyes. “Is there someone else?” He asked.

  “No.” She blushed as she squirmed in his chair. It was the sweetest thing he’d ever seen.

  “Good. From this moment, there will be no one, but you and me. You are mine.” He took a bite. “You should eat. I have an appointment that I can’t be late for. I need my assistant there.”


  Samantha was stunned into silence which was becoming common when she was around Preston Jacobs. So, he’s just going to sit there and pretend he didn’t just say the second sexiest thing I have ever heard in my life. Her heart was beating fast. Her mind was racing, and Preston sat there calmly as if he didn’t say anything at all. Her body was screaming YES! YES! YES! But this could not be happening right now. This must be a dream or a hallucination. In real life, she would love to be with a guy like Preston, so accomplished and manly with a hint of mystery. She was turned on by his forwardness. He knows what he wants, and apparently, he wants Sam, but for how long? Did he do this often? She didn’t want to be just another woman to him. She had no idea what his history with women was, but look at him. Women were definitely throwing themselves at him day and night. Thirsty bitches. Her thoughts were interrupted.

  “Stop panicking.” He stated flatly.

  She obeyed. She picked up a taco and ate. She began to speak after a few minutes of silence. “Preston what are you talking about?”

  “You heard what I said. I mean it. This thing between us. This is it, for you, and for me.”

  “You can’t just blurt out something like that and not expect me to have questions.”

  “What questions do you have, beautiful?”

  “Where is this coming from? I don’t even know you.”

  “You know that you want me.” He said that, not in a cocky way. She wanted to protest but felt that she had no reason to deny it.

  “I’ll admit that I feel an attraction, but that doesn’t mean anything. You can’t just tell me I’m yours. I have a mind of my own.”

  “This is more than an attraction, and if you would just get out of your head about it, you’d admit that. I’m not like other men Sam, and I haven’t met another woman like you.”

  “Sure you have.” She said. “I’m like most other women. What’s so special about me?”

  “No other woman has challenged me, kept me awake at night, sat in my office in my chair, yelled at me in my elevator, brought me my favorite tacos and kissed me, or pulled away, leaving me wanting more. Your smile captivated me, and your scent awakens everything in me. You’re mine.”

  Good answer. “We just met yesterday. Twenty minutes ago, I thought you couldn’t stand me. Now you can’t keep your hands off of me. We had a moment of weakness, but these things take time. You can’t just tell me I’m yours. That’s not how it works.” Or so she’d thought after thirty something years of mind games. What if it was that simple? What had she been going through all these years?

  “How has it worked for you thus far?” He asked. Was he reading her mind?

  “Seriously? Insulting me is not the way to my heart.”

  “It’s not an insult. Would you rather I toy with you or be direct? Do you want me to play games? I don’t do that. Ev
ery experience you’ve had led you here, to me, in this moment where you belong. You know you belong here with me. If you’d stop being afraid, you’d see that I want you. I won’t play with you, and I won’t lie to you.”

  She considered what he was saying. It was too good to be true. Her voice got lighter, and her expression more vulnerable. “What if you change your mind?”

  “I won’t.”

  “How can you be sure of that?”

  “You will find out. Have a little faith.”

  “What about my job?”

  “It’s yours. I want you by my side. I hope you will stay here.”

  “Don’t you think that could get complicated?”


  “No! That’s it. Office relationships tend to go horribly wrong. How can you be so calm? You don’t even know me. I could be insane.”

  “I’ve never been involved with anyone I work with. That’s not how I do things Sam, and I know enough. You’re a little crazy, but you’re gentle, kind, smart, and passionate. I have been waiting for you Sam, and now that I found you I’m never letting you go.”

  “How do you know that? You haven’t even seen the worst of me.”

  “I saw the real you in the elevator when you had no idea who I was, and you showed yourself to me. I know that you are sensitive and vulnerable, but you don’t want anyone to know that. I see you. I also understand that you and I see things differently, but I’m willing to work on understanding you, and I hope you will do the same for me.”

  “And what was that in the elevator? I thought you couldn’t stand to be in the same space as me.”

  “I was in awe of you, and I was not prepared to deal with it.”

  She joked. “Preston Jacobs was not prepared? What?” Then she turned serious and bowed her head. “You hurt my feelings.”

  Preston reached across the desk and lifted her chin. “I truly apologize, beautiful. I would never intentionally do anything to hurt you. I want you to know that. You can trust me.” He reached for her hand. “When I saw you, I wanted to tear your clothes off and take you then and there. I wanted to make you mine. The urge was so strong that I had to compose myself. That’s all that happened.”